When you have received Jesus as your Savior and Lord, you have been spiritually born again. You have come into unity with God through the Holy Spirit. Your spiritual eyes have been opened to see the kingdom of God. Through water baptism, you declare that the power of sin must be defeated and the new life in Jesus must reign in you.

You have to receive Jesus before you can be filled with the Holy Spirit. The full gift of the Holy Spirit belongs to you as a believer, because it is the promise of God for everyone who believes in Jesus. When you open your heart and hunger for the fullness of the Holy Spirit, you will receive it. Jesus will increase His presence in your heart through the Holy Spirit. The fellowship with Jesus will lead you into a new life, blessings and satisfaction!

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a continuous, deepening and brightening process. Each new touch of the Holy Spirit increases your revelation and faith. This opens your soul and body for a new touch of healing power. There is no upper limit in being filled with the Holy Spirit. There is no limit in your anointing. Your destiny with Jesus depends only on your thirst and surrender.

When you surrender to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He influences your will and makes you to do His will. You live in God's revelation, wisdom, love and faith. Your heart is filled with righteousness, joy and peace. Through the presence and influence of the Holy Spirit, the character of Jesus is realized in you. You will be a witness of Jesus so that miracles and signs follow your ministry. Jesus is on the throne of your heart and you want to do His will in your life. That's why you thirst for increasing filling with the Holy Spirit - and you will receive more and more.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit means increasing and deepening surrender to Jesus. The Father has appointed you to be filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire. The Holy Spirit will help you deal with the dark areas within you. Surrender to Jesus everything that opposes receiving the Holy Spirit. Such areas are for example: pride, rebellion, disobedience, bitterness, anger, envy, soul control / enslavement, and bondages with witchcraft and false religions.

Confess, reject and renounce all doctrines which resist the Holy Spirit. Renounce all demonic bondages and lies as the Holy Spirit leads you. Surrender to Jesus more and ask Him to cleanse your whole life of the effects of darkness. Forgive those who have hurt you. Ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit worship Him and surrender into His healing presence.

Luke 11:9-13: “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, it will be opened. Now which one of you fathers will his son ask for a fish, and instead of a fish, he will give him a snake? Or he will even ask for an egg, and his father will give him a scorpion? So if you, despite being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”

The Holy Spirit works without control, coercion or control. He comes when you call Him. He fills you only when you allow it to happen. You need to learn to surrender to the Holy Spirit, because the powers of darkness have accustomed you to oppression, control and other perverted influences. Be still, ask, seek and knock. The prison of your soul will be broken and you will receive a new heavenly touch of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit honors you more than any human being does. To receive the Holy Spirit you must love, bless and honor Him. Learn to deal with the Holy Spirit as with a truly faithful and polite gentleman. He is a real and powerful supernatural presence of God! Jesus taught disciples how to press into the Kingdom of God. He taught them how to live in the Kingdom – which means living in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. He taught and demonstrated the life in the will and power of the Father. This is God's way for all the saved.

John 20:19-23: Now when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were together due to fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst, and *said to them, “Peace be to you.” And when He had said this, He showed them both His hands and His side. The disciples then rejoiced when they saw the Lord. So Jesus said to them again, “Peace be to you; just as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” And when He had said this, He breathed on them and *said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have been retained.”

The disciples received Jesus as God and Savior when He appeared to them. The disciples got born again, received the Holy Spirit and their new life began. This was only the beginning of their new life with Jesus. It was the seed of the Kingdom of God in their spirit. After this Jesus appeared to them and taught them for 40 days about the kingdom of God. The disciples went through the process of inner healing and “killing of the flesh”.

Acts 1:14: 14 All these were continually devoting themselves with one mind to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers. (homotymadon = common zeal of love for the common goal)

Jesus ascended to Heaven only after He had seen that the disciples were whole enough to receive immersion in the Fire of the Holy Spirit. The disciples needed to gather together and seek the fulfillment of immersion in the Fire of the Holy Spirit for only ten days. Then came the feast of Pentecost and Jesus immersed the disciples in the Holy Spirit and Fire. In this Fire, He merged them into Himself and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They surrendered to the Holy Spirit so that they were able to carry out the ministry of apostles in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:1-4: When the day of Pentecost [a]had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly a noise like a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. And tongues that looked like fire appeared to them, distributing themselves, and a tongue rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different tongues, as the Spirit was giving them the ability to speak out.