We are entering the revival of the fulfillment of this age. The plans of God's kingdom are beginning to be fulfilled. The body of Christ is going to reach its full glory. The Holy Spirit is preparing the church for the rapture, which can come already in our lifetime. Now Jesus needs pioneers who have surrendered and merged with Him in order to carry out the greatest revival in the history of the world. Jesus calls also you into to this unique and historic mission.
In this online Bible school, we train you to truly proclaim and implement God's kingdom in the Fire and power of the Holy Spirit. Our teaching is a proclamation of the purification of faith. We try to interpret the teaching of Jesus and the apostles as accurately as possible, so that you get an intact and original revelation about the Kingdom of God and the position of the sons / daughters of God. When you believe as God believes, the Holy Spirit anoints you with authority and power to proclaim and manifest His kingdom in this world.
Our teaching is suitable for seekers, newcomers in faith and those who are preparing for apostolic ministry. If you have not yet accepted Jesus into your life, you should start with the link SALVATION. It contains a condensed and powerful teaching about the foundations of faith. Get to know the message of salvation, accept Jesus and enter a new life in the blessings of God's Kingdom!
The revival is coming to your nation. The Lord needs you too. Now is the time to prepare in the knowledge of the word of God and the Holy Spirit. The great harvest is waiting for harvesters! The Fire of the Holy Spirit will fall upon you and within you. Jesus equips you with new plans and ministries to bring about the revival of the time of fulfillment. Arise, be bright, for your light has come!

With love Seppo Valimaki