Believer’s greatest warfare is going on in his thought life. The enemy has been able to penetrate in you on one way or another to wound and to distort the emotions. The enemy has also sown deceitful thoughts and doctrines into minds of the believers. The old man is a captive of this destruction but the new creation is delivered from all sin. The new creation is determined to win in the life of a believer. Recognize, discern and build up your new creation, because the victory of your life will come by the power of a new creation!
You are going through the supernatural growth process even in the condition of immaturity. You have not yet achieved the perfection but you are walking towards it. Look at the enormous greatness and brightness of the Kingdom of God! It is so magnificent that you can see and receive it only piece by piece and layer by layer.
You will need patience and durability in your walk to receive it. You strive for it while you are incomplete and in the confused environment. In this growth process you learn to think and operate according to the faith of God. You learn to live by faith, not by seeing. God already sees you in Jesus as a perfect saint. Look at yourself with the eyes of faith of God. Look at yourself by the prophetic eyesight as a saint of God - made perfect by the blood of Jesus! This is what you are in Him!
The key of every victory is this truth: "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation". Confess and speak the same victory and salvation, as the Word of God and the Holy Spirit in you declares. Worship Jesus when you face any attack of the enemy or any difficulties in your conditions. Proclaim His victory; proclaim your legitimate position in Jesus. Profess yourself by your own voice as anointed through Jesus in front of the powers of darkness – and they will flee in horror!
By faith of God you are made perfect already. In this world you are not perfect but your faith of God makes you perfect in His eyes. In the Spirit, you see your new position and leave behind old things. You condemn and denounce your old life in darkness and focus on your new life in Jesus. By the blood of Jesus, you have this right and position. This is your life in the faith of the Son of God.
The new creation must rule together with Jesus in your life. In your life, soul and body there are effects of sin that confront the Kingdom of God. The power of the Holy Spirit is sent to destroy this resistance. Jesus has already prepared the victory over all your weaknesses. Faith in this victory will bring you the victory you need. Declare, speak and worship the Lord as the conqueror of all your mountains and He will manifest in power for you!
His Majesty Jesus lives in you. He will not accept any defeat with you. He will prepare a reward, compensation and blessing that is greater than any of your losses. Some of this reward will be received here on the earth and the rest in Heaven. With Jesus you cannot avoid being the overcomer! You are an eternal being and living the eternity already now as a new creation. Be fully comforted and released in your heart. No evil will take you from the hand of Father God. Rejoice, worship and be happy!
All the spiritual potential that is in Jesus for your benefit will manifest only through your new creation. Your new creation grows divine growth starting from birth. Healthy biblical food will bring faster growth. Your spiritual growth does not depend on your circumstances but on your spiritual activities. Your new creation lives eternal life from birth and grows by the Word of God and by the revelation of the Spirit.
You are already attached to Heaven by the Holy Spirit in your spirit. The natural circumstances can't imprison you anymore. That's why God can raise you up, carry and lead you out from any impasse into His own better plan. The deeper immersion in the Holy Spirit will transform you into the image of Christ. Your Father has prepared a perfect way in Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit ignite your heart to thirst after your new life with Jesus.
When you have grown, passed tests and become strong enough in your faith, God will open you a new level of His plans. Do not regret your conditions; just concentrate on to your spiritual growth as a new creation. According to the increase of the light of God in your life, Jesus will raise you into new ministries – one after the other.