In the Bible, the word "name" is in Heprew "shem" and in Greek "onoma". In those cultures, the "name" had a very wide and inclusive meaning. The name of the person meant more than just a personal identification. In Hebrew the name of a person described the character and mission of the person. For instance, the name Yeashua (Jesus) means "God saves" or "God is the salvation". In general, the word "name" meant both in Hebrew and Greek cultures following:
- the identification of the person,
- the authority of the person,
- the character of the person and
- the mission of the person.
When Jesus says "in My Name", he means
- according to His teachings and commands,
- according to His way of doing things,
- in agreement with His plans and purposes,
- inside His authoriztion will,
- inside His Kingdom and power in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and
- in the love, revelation and faith of God.
Many Christians assume that using the phrase "in Jesus's name" gives them the anointing to do what they say. They think that the name of Jesus is kind of mantra, which gives them some supernatural power. It is not like this. "In Jesus's name" means that you are operating under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Then you are operating in His will, love, wisdom and authority. The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the framework of any ministry of the Kingdom of God.
The Good News of Jesus means that the slaves of the sin will be transformed into the image of Christ. The first step of salvation is the new birth of the spirit. The Holy Spirit merges with the born again spirit of man. Through this unity with God, the born again person will be saved to Heaven after his natural death. The fulness of the salvation means transformation of a believer into the image of Jesus. The Holy Spirit will perform this supernatural transformation in your spirit and soul.
In the process of transforming into the image of Jesus, you will be healed from all brokenness of your heart, body and life. The anointing will increase, your ministry will grow and your life will be more like the life of Jesus as the Anointed One. The more you are transformed into His image, the more you can operate in Jesus's name. Under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, you will operate in the name of Jesus by your nature. You need not even to say "in the name of Jesus". Jesus in you and you in Jesus is manifesting in your ministry.
Jesus said: "...whatever you ask in My name, this I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son..." This "whatever" means the promise of the Father, which is immersion in the Holy Spirit and Fire. Jesus could not explain spiritual things before disciples were born again. He had to explain everything with parables. The Great Good News for you is that you have this promise now for yourself. When you ask the full immersion in the Holy Spirit and Fire, Jesus will do it. In that immersion Jesus transforms you and you will be able to live and minister IN HIS NAME. You will have the love of the Father, the revelation of the Holy Spirit and the faith of God in your spirit. Your soul will be transformed and equipped to follow the leadership of your spirit.
Jesus has authorized you to represent Him here in the world before people and the powers of darkness. In the new birth He came to live in your spirit. The Holy Spirit has changed your soul. You have now the ability, authorization and power to cooperate with Jesus. You will rule with Him and according to His will. Jesus is leading your life and you follow His orders. The anointing of the Holy Spirit will strengthen and inspire you. You obey Jesus in natural realm by faith of God. Jesus in you will do the supernatural part by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Your authority as a disciple of Jesus is higher than the authority of the disciples in their first mission. Jesus gave them the authority and power over demons and sicknesses. But they did not have power to proclaim forgiveness of sins, to release the power of the Holy Spirit and make disciples. In his resurrection body and in His authority on the throne of the Father, Jesus gave His new order and authorization to the apostles:
The Good News of Jesus is not only salvation and speaking in tongues. The Good News of the Kingdom of Jesus means:
- Salvation of souls
- Healing of the sick
- Deliverance from demons and all darkness
- Surrendering unto the call of disciple
- Transformation towards the image of Jesus in the anointing of the Holy Spirit and Fire
- Receiving the immersion in the Holy Spirit
- Apostolic calling and anointing
The content of the Good News of Jesus is greater than you have assumed. Receiving these news means greater manifestation of Jesus in your life than you can imagine. The transforming power of the Holy Spirit is greater than you have known. The healing power of Jesus is greater than you have believed. But the change in your will and mind shall also be deeper than you have thought.
Now is the time of reformation of your faith. The limited time window of the presence of the enemy in this world is closing. We are in the age of fulfilment of God's plans. Jesus is preparing His return as the King of Glory on the throne of David. Jesus is preparing His church for the glorious wedding with Him in His Glory. The cloud of the Holy Spirit and Fire is descending upon and inside His church. Jesus will lead His church to a new holiness, glory and authority. The Bride will be clothed in the wedding dress which has no stain or wrinkle.
The greatest harvest is waiting for the church. Jesus is calling and equipping you for this harvest. The work will be great and difficult and you will need all His power for that. You are authorized to receive the full promise of the Father. The power of the Holy Spirit will come upon you and equip you with fresh anointing. In the name of Jesus, you will call people into repentance, heal the sick, cast out evil spirits and bring blessings of God into people's life. This is the way how you will reign with Jesus and exercise His authority over the darkness.