Natural eyes and senses comprehend only visible circumstances. Your spiritual eyes and spirit man sees and understands spiritual realm. Spiritual realm is above the natural realm. All natural is only reflection of spiritual realm, where Jesus and the Father reign. The Kingdom of God is spiritual realm that affects and controls the visible realm. Our blessings in Jesus are spiritual blessings in the revelation and power of the Holy Spirit.
By the Holy Spirit you are connected with God and His Kingdom. Where the Holy Spirit reigns, there is the Kingdom of God. Your soul is the bridge between the spiritual and natural realm. When you were separated from God, your mind lost the ability to see, hear and understand God's spiritual things. After being born again, your spirit began to build communication with your mind. As a result of transformation of your mind, your inner man (spirit + soul) got the ability to unite the will of God.
Apostle Paul did not have doubts concerning his salvation, his faith of his calling. His inner man agreed with the will of God with delight. His problem was his body of flesh. He determined that through Jesus Christ even the law of death in his mortal body will be defeated. As a matter of fact, apostle Paul was expecting the rapture, as we can see in his letter to Thessalonians. In his letter to Galatians, he wrote:
Paul had put away his old man and he was living in the faith of the Son of God. This is your goal also. The purpose of your salvation is to be united with Jesus and the Holy Spirit so deeply, that your natural mind and body of flesh in under the authority of your spirit. This transformation is impossible for a natural being. Your natural mind does not conceive your spiritual dimension. Therefore, Jesus gave us teaching and example through His disciples.
Jesus led His disciples to be immersed in the Holy Spirit and Fire. In this immersion, the Holy Spirit will cleanse, heal and renew our spirit and soul. Our inner man will be delivered from darkness and will be renewed into the image of Jesus. Our spirit will be strengthened and rise up to lead our soul and whole life in the faith of God.
After being immersed in the Holy Spirit, the apostles Peter and John had united with Jesus. They were able to hear His voice and see what He wants them to do. By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they were connected with the faith of God and able to perform miracles with Jesus.
The promise of the Holy Spirit is our greatest promise after receiving Jesus. Our Father knows, that we are in impossible situation if we try to get into His Kingdom by our natural mind and understanding. A very deep and profound transformation is needed. Jesus will do this in us by the immersion in the Holy Spirit and Fire. Jesus considered this to be so profound for His disciples, that He commanded them not to leave Jerusalem before they will receive the promise of the Father.
Jesus had taught disciples about the Kingdom of God during days. The disciples were born again and received increasingly the presence of the Holy Spirit. They went through a deep deliverance and inner healing process. They were healed from the deep wounds of darkness and were able to stay in unity of love. The disciples were able to stay together in worship and supplication after Jesus’s personal presence. They had faith to expect the fulfillment of the promise of the Father. Certainly, Jesus saw this condition before ascending to Heaven.
This speaking in tongues was not "ordinary" speaking of tongues, as most of believers do. In this immersion in the Holy Spirit, Jesus opened His spiritual realm and removed all obstacles which would hinder the proclamation of His Good News for all nations. In this occasion Jesus authorized and released His disciples into their apostolic ministry. As a result of this, great revival broke in Jerusalem. Same kind of manifestations of the Spirit have occurred for example in the Azusa Street revival.
When apostle Peter explained to people what had happened, he confirmed that the same immersion in the Holy Spirit is for everyone, who receives Jesus. The immersion in the Holy Spirit for your apostolic ministry is waiting for you. Jesus knows that you need power. He has power of the Holy Spirit and Fire for you.
The immersion in the Holy Spirit is not only one occasion. Jesus has released the promise of the Father to come over His believers continuously. You will be transformed into His image continuously. You will receive His power for your life and ministry continuously. But there are certain breakthrough moments, where the Holy Spirit and Fire will destroy powers of darkness in your soul permanently. All this will happen in your surrender, deliverance and inner healing process.
When we notice the continuous presence mode of Greek language here, we can translate this verse accurately as follows:
This is your victory of your natural mind. Your spirit man leads you the love of the Father, in the revelation of the Holy Spirit and in the faith of God. Your surrender unto Jesus and desire to be immersed in the Holy Spirit and Fire will do it.