Intercession is not the calling or privilege of a few, but every believer in Jesus is called to that position and task. The Holy Spirit anoints, equips and leads you in your ministry. All you need is to surrender to His inspiration and obey His plan.

The Holy Spirit teaches you to understand correctly God's share and your own share in His work. God needs your feet to contact other people. He needs your voice to speak to those whose ears are not yet opened to hear His voice. He needs you as His partner on the earth. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire. Jesus will strengthen your love, revelation, faith and ministry in His Fire.

Don't underestimate your own calling, abilities, and anointing. You have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. The more you put yourself to use, the more you grow in faith and your anointing increases. You hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and can receive heavenly revelation and work in a unique ministry before God and men.

Dare to be independent from the opinions of men. Commit yourself with the will of God. Clear the obstacles from your life and calendar so that you have time to meet with the Lord and receive assignments from Him. Schedule regular time with the Holy Spirit for your own intercession. Jesus also reserves this time for you. He will wait for the next time to meet you again.

Find yourself in the company of believers who have inspiration in the area of intercession. Decide to gather together regularly and the Lord will begin to give special assignments according to the characteristics and anointing of your group.

In the ministry of intercession, loyalty is decisive. If you prove yourself worthy of trust, your tasks will expand and grow. If you have felt that you have failed, Jesus will forgive you and you can start again as if there was no failure!

Keep your spirit tuned and sensitive so that you are available as much as possible. The Lord does not trouble you with problems. He invites you to bring solutions and receive more blessings. If you can serve with joy, He can wake you up even at night to pray for solutions to things you don't even know. The spirit in you is praying and you just know that you have to pray. When the breakthrough has come, your spirit is freed from the task and you can continue your dreams!

Open your heart to the love of God the Father and let the presence of Jesus take over your life. You are a son/daughter of the Father under His protection. Rise up to see things from the point of God's throne, love and power. Let Jesus in you speak solutions from heaven to the "valley of dead bones". Only from this position can you act correctly and serve the progress of God's kingdom.

Attune to the love of the Father for people and nations. Let your heart break and melt in the flow of love and grace. Let your spirit be revived to pray and believe great, unprecedented things, because the Lord is good, great and wonderful!

The manifestation of God in this world is tied with the cooperation of His children. It is part of His heavenly plan that never changes. In the name of Jesus, you have the right to tread on serpents, scorpions and all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. In the name of Jesus, you are called to forgive even your enemies and pray for their salvation. In the name of Jesus, you have the right to call the unseen to manifest visibly, according to God's will in this world.

You have many duties as an intercessor. Everything starts in the areas of your own heart, but the Lord will take you to much wider areas. You will have the anointing to pray for your neighbors, for your own city and country. If you have children or employees under your responsibility, the Lord gives you a special anointing of intercession and the authority to pray for the fulfillment of God's plan in their lives as well. You are also called to pray for those in authority over you (1 Tim. 2:1-3).

The altar of prophetic intercession is a love relationship with God the Father as His son / daughter. When your heart is cleansed of your own desires, the Holy Spirit can give you goals and plans desired by God – for many people. God the Father opens His heart to you when you open your heart to Him. Therefore, the deepest prayer of your heart in the Spirit is your most powerful prayer of faith! It touches the heart of God the Father and moves the power of God, because your heart has responded to God's call.

Rom. 8:26-27: Likewise also the Spirit helps our weakness. For we do not know what we ought to pray, as we ought to pray, but the Spirit himself prays for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. But the searcher of hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, for the Spirit prays according to the will of God for the saints.

Your moment of worship is an intimate and powerful encounter with God in a solitary chamber. Your greatest personal breakthroughs and meetings with the Lord come in mutual encounter with Him. You act under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you receive the vision, plan and commission directly from Him. In intercession, the Holy Spirit also prepares you for your own ministry while you invite God to appear in the lives of other people and nations. Cooperation with the Holy Spirit in intercessory prayer changes, teaches and equips you in a supernatural way.

When you worship God in the anointing of intercession, you get to see, hear, know and understand new things that God wants to influence in you, under your influence, in your family, at your workplace, in your church, in your hobbies, in your village, in your city, in your country and worldwide. You are before the throne of the Almighty, where all things are possible to him who believes with God.

Your intercession is praise, thanksgiving, worship, supplication and proclamation. The Holy Spirit leads you to declare visible all that God reveals to you from Heaven. You act and serve in the dimension of the Spirit and the things you declare will become visible later. Your heart will find peace in these tasks when you have declared "invisible things visible". You settle into the lightness of thanksgiving, praise and worship. Jesus will accomplish everything by the power of the Holy Spirit.